On this page:
- Aged care
- Concessions, rebates, health services and programs
- Culture, activities and tourism
- Government organisations
- Health and emergency services
- Money, work and retirement
- Legal, wills, rights, and elder abuse prevention
- Transport and public transport
- Seniors advocacy groups
- Seniors community groups
Aged care
- My Aged Care (Commonwealth government)
- Visit My Aged
- Ageing and aged Care in Victoria (State government)
- Visit Ageing and aged Care in
Concessions, rebates, health services and programs
- Carer Card Program
- Visit Carer
- Centrelink
- Medicare
- Victorian State Concessions (e.g. energy, water and sewerage, municipal rates and transport)
- Visit Victorian State
- Veterans in Victoria
- Visit Victorian
Culture, activities and tourism
- Australian Centre for the Moving Image
- Federation Square
- Visit Federation
- Golden Days Radio
- Visit Golden Days
- Heritage Victoria
- Visit Heritage
- Museum Victoria
- Visit Museum
- National Gallery of Victoria
- Visit National Gallery of
- Parks Victoria
- Visit Parks
- Smartraveller (Australian Government website)
- Visit Victoria
- Visit Visit
Government organisations
- Federal government directory - Directory.gov.au
- Municipal Association of Victoria
- Visit Municipal Association of
- Local Governments in Victoria
- Visit Know Your to find your local council
- Victorian Government website
Health and emergency services
In an emergency dial triple zero (000)
If you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment call 106. This is a Text Emergency Call, not SMS, and you can call from teletypewriters.
- Better Health Channel
- Visit Better Health
- Country Fire Authority (CFA) (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
- Visit Country Fire
- Crime Stoppers (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
- Fire Rescue Victoria (fire brigade) - dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency
- Visit Fire Rescue
- Lifeline
- Nurse-on-Call (health advice from registered nurses - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
- Phone 1300 60 60 24
- Visit Nurse on
- Police (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
- To find your local police station visit Find my local police
- State Emergency Services (SES) (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
- Phone 132 500
- Visit State Emergency
- VicEmergency Hotline (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
- Phone 1800 226 226
- Visit VicEmergency Hotline on the CFA
- Health Complaints Commissioner
Money, work and retirement
- Australian Tax Office
- Business Victoria
- Visit Business
- Money Smart
- Our Community (advice and tools for not-for profit and community groups)
- Visit Our
- Volunteering Victoria
Legal, wills, rights, and elder abuse prevention
- Aged Care Advocacy Services
- Phone 1800 700 600
- Visit MyAgedCare - Advocacy
- Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
- Phone 1800 550 552
- Write to Aged Care Complaints Commissioner, GPO Box 9848, Melbourne 3001
- Visit the Aged Care Complaints
- Australian Financial Complaints Authority
- Free call 1800 931 678
- Visit Australian Financial Complaints
- Commonwealth Government Aged Care Commissioner
- Phone 1800 951 822
- Visit Commonwealth Government Aged Care
- Commonwealth Ombudsman
- Phone 1300 362 072
- Visit Commonwealth
- Consumer Affairs Victoria
- Phone 1300 558 181
- Go to Victorian Consumer and Business Centre, 113 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
- Visit Consumer Affairs
- Elder Rights Advocacy
- Phone (03) 9602 3066 or 1800 700 600
- Visit Elder Rights
- Federation of Community Legal Centres
- Phone (03) 9652 1500
- Visit Federation of Community Legal
- Office of the Public Advocate
- Phone 1300 309 337
- Visit Office of the Public
- Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
- Phone 1800 062 058
- Visit Telecommunications Industry
- Retirement Villages
- Visit Retirement villages on the Consumer Affairs Victoria for information
- The Australian Securities and Investments Commission
- Phone 1300 300 630
- Visit The Australian Securities and Investment
- State Trustees
- Phone Melbourne residents: (03) 9667 6466 or regional residents: 1300 138 672
- Visit State
- Seniors Rights Victoria (SRV)
- Phone 1300 368 821
- Visit Seniors Rights
- Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
- Phone 1800 064 865
- Visit Victorian Aboriginal Legal
- Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
- Phone 1300 292 153
- Visit Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity
- Victoria Legal Aid
- Phone (03) 9269 0120
- Visit Victoria Legal
- Renting information from Consumer Affairs Victoria
- Victorian Ombudsman
- Phone (03) 9613 6222 or 1800 806 314
- Visit Victorian
Transport and public transport
- VicRoads
- Public Transport Victoria (including myki)
- Call 1800 800 007
- Visit Public Transport
- Public Toilet Map
- Visit National Public Toilet
- Travellers Aid Australia (support for older people and people with a disability)
- Phone (03) 9654 2600
- Visit Travellers Aid
Seniors advocacy groups
- Association of Independent Retirees
- Phone 1800 063 304
- Visit Association of Independent
- Council on the Ageing Victoria
- Phone (03) 9654 4443
- Visit Council on the
- Housing for the Aged Action Group
- Phone (03) 9654 7389
- Visit Housing for the Aged Action
- National Seniors Australia
- Phone 1300 76 50 50
- Visit National Seniors
- Seniors Rights Victoria (SRV)
- Phone 1300 368 821
- Visit Seniors Rights
Seniors community groups
- Be Connected
- Phone 1300 795 897
- Visit Be
- Life Activities Clubs
- Phone (03) 9662 2930
- Visit Life Activities
- Neighbourhood houses
- Visit Neighbourhood Houses to find your nearest neighbourhood house
- Country Women's Association
- Visit Country Women's Association of to find your local branch
- Men's Sheds
- Visit Victorian Men's Shed to find your local shed
- Universities of the Third Age
- Phone (03) 9670 3659
- Visit U3A Network
Reviewed 07 January 2025