City of Latrobe sought to reduce isolation and loneliness of older members of the community by developing a network of ‘Welcoming & Age Friendly’ community groups with a recognisable brand, and through individual referral pathways.
This project:
- held a workshop to define what being welcoming and age friendly meant to individuals and then created resources to support groups to develop and maintain an inclusive environment
- established a network of groups and clubs to support people to re-engage with their community
- provided a broader understanding of the health impacts of social isolation and loneliness
- developed an identifiable brand with localised recognition
- developed promotional tools with older people, including a library campaign in an accessible, comfortable environment
- raised awareness of available community involvement opportunities.
Key lessons included that:
- face-to-face contact motivates groups, increases understanding of the benefits of the project and ensures future interaction
- •no two groups are the same – each group offers something more than just their scheduled activities
- each individual referral is effective because it is based on the person’s interests and capabilities
- most community groups could relate to the benefits of the project, and had engaged with socially isolated seniors
- the majority of community members, even if they are currently disconnected, believe that community involvement is important
- clubs and groups respond very well to peer evaluation
- developing a network of welcoming and age-friendly groups can establish promotional avenues.
Project Leadership Group
- John Forsyth, Treasurer, Keenagers Table Tennis Moe
- Annie McDuffie, Committee member, U3A Latrobe Valley
- Barbara Derham, President, Country Women’s Australia Traralgon
- Soula Kanellopoulos, President,International Women’s Group &
- Representative Greek Seniors
- Sharon Addy, Individual community member
- Mac Wood, Positive Ageing reference committee
Project contacts
Helen Taylor
Manager Aged and Disability Services
Latrobe City Council
Phone: 1300 367 700
Christy Hoiles
Connecting Seniors Project Officer
Latrobe City Council.
Phone: 1300 367 700
Strengthening Seniors Inclusion and Participation project outcomes and evaluation info
Strengthening Seniors Inclusion and Participation project outcomes booklet
Accessible version Strengthening Seniors Inclusion and Participation project booklet
Strengthening Seniors Inclusion and Participation evaluation report
Strengthening Seniors Inclusion and Participation evaluation report
Reviewed 10 August 2022